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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives

Circle the nouns

  1. Mr. Von Snauzer is missing from his house!
  2. Did you eat my last piece of candy?
  3. Tomorrow, we are going to the store.
  4. Halloween is just a week away.
  5. The science teacher made the chemicals explode in the classroom.

Circle the verbs

  1. Who spilled their milk on the kitchen floor?
  2. Today we exercised by running, jumping, and doing push-ups.
  3. The mailman brought us some packages today.
  4. I wonder how my kids will go trick-or-treating this year.
  5. My library books is getting very interesting!

Circle the adjectives

  1. Her witch costume is orange, purple and black.
  2. That pizza is too spicy.
  3. Most pumpkins are orange, but some are white and green.
  4. My shoes were white before I stepped in the icky mud.
  5. The scary skeleton scared me when it jumped out of the tall bushes.

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