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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tundra Scavenger Hunt

Use the websites MBGnet (1-20) and Alpine Biome (22-25 ).

  1. Where is the Tundra located ?
  2. Is it located near the South Pole or North Pole?
  3. What color does the Tundra represent on the tab “Where is the Tundra located?”
  4. The temperatures during the artic winter can dip to ______F or ______ C.
  5. The soil is often ___________.
  6. Annual precipitation is very _________, usually less than ____ in or ___ cm.
  7. What are lichen?
  8. Why do some plants have dark red leaves?
  9. What is a lemming?
  10. Is the blue whale a tundra animal? Why or why not?
  11. The average temperature of the warmest month is between ___ and ___ F.
  12. Does the soil ever thaw out to allow plants to grow? If so, when?
  13. What is the alpine tundra?
  14. What countries does the musk ox mainly living in?
  15. Name some of the parts of the musk ox that protects it from the harsh elements.
  16. Describe a snow bunting.
  17. Describe a gyrfalcon.
  18. The tundra biome covers how much of the earth’s surface.
  19. How much rainfall does the Tundra receive each year?
  20. Is water available throughout the year? Why or why not?
  21. How long was the alpine tundra formed?
  22. Is the tundra like a desert when it comes to rain?
  23. Where are grizzlies found mostly?
  24. Does the tundra have trees?
  25. The tundra has been called “the land of the ________”.

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